Sunday, February 23, 2020

Business management and a career path in marketing Essay

Business management and a career path in marketing - Essay Example There is a range of intended career paths that are available to students who undertake a degree in business management. Business management has a vast scope and graduates in the subject can choose amongst various career including event management, operations management, chartered management account, marketing consultancy, business consultancy, logistics management amongst various other options. It is essential to mention here that as business management students are taught the art of mastering business throughout their education; most students are seen taking a little industry experience by working with companies. For the purpose of this essay, our focus will remain towards the area of marketing as we discuss the skills and essentials required for a person to succeed in this field. There are many skills and areas of knowledge that need to be mastered if one wants to ace in the field of marketing. These areas include, but are not limited to business analytics, social media knowledge, in-depth knowledge of data visualization, technical skills, teamwork, soft skills, and finally newsjacking. We will now look at each of these areas in detail and look at the ways of developing knowledge and skills in said areas. Business analytics refers to trends and behaviors. A study of business analytics is highly essential for a healthy marketing career as analytics looks at purchase history of customers, looks for patterns in their search behaviors etc. to connect leads to the company.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Explain what effect an increase in airspeed has on lift, as well as on Essay

Explain what effect an increase in airspeed has on lift, as well as on drag, both induced and parasite - Essay Example This equation is derived from Newton’s second law of motion whereby the net force on an object is equal to its rate of momentum change (Dole and Lewis, 2000). Thus, as air flow increases across an airfoil section, the rate of change of momentum is increased across the upper areas of the wing section, increasing lift (Dole and Lewis, 2000). Bernoulli’s principle states, an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure. This is seen in the equation: Pressure+1/2 density(rho) V2= constant Noting that Bernoulli’s equation above is used for non compressible flows (low mach numbers) (FAA, 2001), the equation shows that as velocity increases, if the equation is to remain balanced, pressure must decrease. Thus, as airflow increases across the upper surface of a wing due to speed, lift is increased due to the drop in pressure above the wing. Drag is derived from Newton’s third law whereby, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (Dole and Lewis, 2000). The action of the airfoil section on the incident airflow creates an opposite reaction, drag. Drag increases as speed increases (FAA, 2001). This is seen in the equation: Drag = Cd x(1/2 pV2) x area, where Cd is the coefficient of drag.